books /

Pale Interiors (The Song Cave, 2024)

What Sleeps under Lacquer (NECK, 2022)

The End of Lake Superior (above/ground, 2021)

anthologies /

What Makes a Lake (Another Earth, 2023)

Best New Poets 2022 (University of Virginia Press, 2022)

Beyond Worship: Meditations on Queer Worship, Liturgy, & Theology (Riverdale Avenue Books, 2022)

Beyond Worship Zine (Fort Washington Collegiate Church, 2021)

The Quick and the Dead: Alejandra Pizarnik Edition (Wendy’s Subway, 2021)

poems /

18 Owls                                                           “Dream during a Drought” in 9 Poems

Narrative Magazine                                          “Split”

DUSIE                                                             “Childhood Memory”

NECK                                                               excerpts from What Sleeps under Lacquer

Tricycle: The Buddhist Review                             excerpt from What Sleeps under Lacquer

above/ground spotlight                                      excerpt from What Sleeps under Lacquer

Washington Square Review                                 “Self-Portrait as Lake”

Narrative Magazine                                           “The End of Lake Superior”

Narrative Magazine                                           “The Idea of Antarctica”

The Heretic                                                        “Victorians Never Go Out of Style," "Lee Krasner

WUSSY                                                             “Hunters in the Snow”

WUSSY                                                             “Rite of Spring,” “Femme Maison,” “Primrose Hill”

Lambda Literary                                                “A Tree Is” (also arranged into a choral piece by the composer Barnabas Sharp)

prose /

periodicities                                                        “A few notes on The End of Lake Superior

above/ground spotlight                                      “Statement

The Hoosac Institute                                         “water essay.pdf”

multidisciplinary /

Fragment Gallery, New York, NY                       “Shifts and Echoes” exhibition text

Upstreams (deadfall press, 2023)                          photograph

Olympia Gallery, New York, NY                        “Weight,” “Heat,” “Munich” as poem texts for exhibition Said to Be Dreaming, July 2022

interviews /

Tricycle: The Buddhist Review                              “A Conversation with Kōan Brink”

periodicities                                                         “correspondence: Kōan Brink + Simon Brown (part 1)”

community /

The Cooper Union                                            “What Is to Be Done?: Art, Writing, and the Materiality of Text” panel, April 2022

Brooklyn Zen Center                                         “Reflections on Resistance and Pipeline 3” with Yoko Ohashi, June 2021

Union Theological Seminary                              “Queer Faith,” 2019

collections /

Woodland Pattern Book Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Tufts University Library

distinctions //

Best New Poets 2022 Finalist

2018-22 Art Writing Fellow, The Cooper Union

2019 Seminary Fellow, FASPE

2017 Teaching Fellow, Undergraduate Creative Writing Department, Columbia University

2017 Discovery/92nd St Y Semifinalist

2016-17 Donald Everett Axinn Fellow, Academy of American Poets

2016 Disquiet Semifinalist